Rabu, 22 Juni 2016

Fuad Mudhofir

Easy Currency Converter Pro 2.3.1 Patched apk

Easy Currency Converter Pro Patched apk download latest version for android : World currencies (180+), live exchange rates, favorites, offline mode, graphs, etc. No need to scroll through endless lists
- setup your personal currency list and have all important currencies at first glance.

- 180+ world currencies and 4 metals
- Live rates (various update intervals)
- Ad-free
- Personal currency list – just pick the currencies you need
- Offline mode (absolutely no traffic)
- Converts up to 22 currencies simultaneously
- Currency graphs (1 day - 5 years)
- Search function to quickly add a new currency
- Precision: set the number of decimal places (0-5)
- Country flags for all currencies (no download)
- Bitcoin
- App2SD
- Live rates & graphs provided by Yahoo.com

NOTE: You can add/remove currencies by clicking one of the two currency buttons (top region of the screen).
A window will pop up where you can find the "Show All" button.

Use Offline Mode to avoid roaming costs while abroad (only necessary if you have activated "Roaming" in your phone settings).

After adding a new currency (via "Show All") an update is required to get the actual rates.

Easy Currency Converter Pro 2.3.1 Patched apk file

Apk Download For Android

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Fuad Mudhofir

About Fuad Mudhofir -

Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.

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