Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

Fuad Mudhofir

Omega Launcher 2.2 apk

Omega Launcher apk download latest version for android : Marshmallow Launcher is a homescreen replacement based on Material theme of Android 6.0/ Marshmallow. Marshmallow Launcher provides Android 6.0/ M like user experience to pre lollipop(Android Lollipop) devices with extra Material features.
Features :

⚡Lightning Fast and super light weight.⚡
❗Full Material themed of Android Marshmallow(based on Android 6.0).
❗Swipe Gestures.
❗Quick Cards.
❗Fast and smooth animations.
❗Android Marshmallow vertical scroll app drawer.
❗FAB(Floating action Button) more improvised.
❗Customisable FAB color.

Usage :

❗Swipe Down to expand notification bar(for pre-lollipop only).
❗Long press on homescreen icons to change.
❗Long press in app drawer icons to open app info settings.

Marshmallow Wallpapers :


**This launcher is to give speed and feel of Android Marshmallow for devices that do have the support or have low memory. Please don't rate negative if you own a device which has Android 5+.

 Omega Launcher 2.2 apk file
Apk Download For Android

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Fuad Mudhofir

About Fuad Mudhofir -

Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.

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